
À Go on cuisine

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Lemon and ginger chicken breast


I usually cut the chicken breasts into 3 pieces (the filet, and the breast in two)

🍽️ 4
Difficulté : Très facile
Préparation : 5 min
Cuisson : 30 min
Repos : 10 min

Ingrédients :

2 tbs soy sauce (low sodium)

The zeste of one lemon

Fresh juice of a lemon (about 2 tsp)

1/2 to 1 tsp of sugar or honey

2 tbs of freshly grated ginger

1 tbs of toasted sesame oil

2 chopped green onions

4 chicken breasts

Préparation :

Mix all the ingredients together, then add the chicken. 

Cover and let marinate for 30-60 minutes.

Place in a 8x8 Pyrex with the marinade, cover tightly with aluminum foil and place in preheated oven at 375F for 30 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through.


That's a quick and easy recipe. Serve with roasted vegetables. Makes great lunches

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Potage aux légumes et curcuma (English translation included)

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